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YEAR 2020

  Reference No./
Date of Decisions
Case Summary
1. GB/P/1/20 (E) (25/3/2020) Subject was a woman aged 78 with Alzheimer's disease. There was serious family conflict between Subject's sister-in-law, niece and step-son, and the parties were legally represented at the hearing. Committee was appointed by High Court, but only in relation to her financial affairs. Parties still had disputes over Subject's accommodation, welfare and care issues. They agreed guardianship was necessary, but disputed on the choice of guardian. Order was granted with Director of Social Welfare appointed. The Board refused to receive video clips adduced by step-son as evidence.

GB/P/2/20 (C) (24/6/2019)

Subject was a woman aged 28 with brain injury. She lapsed into coma after a suicidal attempt. Subject's mother refused medical treatment for Subject. The attending doctors took out an application. The Board added the mother as a party in the proceedings. Order was granted with Director of Social Welfare appointed as guardian. The Board suggested the guardian to assess Subject's best interests in order to decide on Subject's treatment.
3. GB/P/3/20 (C) (12/10/2020) Subject was a woman aged 72 with vascular dementia. Her 4 siblings divided into 2 sides, holding different views over her accommodation, care and welfare plan. Despite their resistance, Order was granted with Director of Social Welfare appointed as guardian.



  1. (E) Reasons for Order in English.
  2. (C) Reasons for Order in Traditional Chinese..